ACIS MLK Global Teacher Conferences 2019

Next week we are about to embark upon our MLK weekend global teacher conferences. It’s a treat for us to travel to all of the places out there this year (Barcelona, Granada, Paris, Florence, Krakow, Panama, New Orleans), it’s a treat for us to meet with new faces and familiar faces, and it’s a treat for us to showcase some of the things that we do and some of the things we hope to do over the course of the next few months. The foundation of our business is based around this partnership between teachers and ourselves. This weekend is our way to say thank you, to listen, to learn, and hopefully, to give everyone an understanding of our culture.

I am always reminded that, most importantly, this is a weekend when we pay tribute to Martin Luther King and the things that he stood for. Furthermore, I am always reminded of the James Taylor song, “Shed a Little Light”.

Oh let us turn our thoughts today to Martin Luther King
And recognize that there are ties between us
All men and women, living on the earth….
That we are bound together
With a desire to see the world become
A place in which our children can grow free and strong
We are bound together by the task that stands before us
And the road that lies ahead…

Travel changes lives.

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