Airports. I never check my bag. And when I place my bag over my seat it’s usually close by. Above. My bag is a muji roller bag. Navy blue. Nothing special. 100 pounds. It’s perfect for what I take. So on a recent flight London to I had to place my bag a few overhead bins away as it was full above me. No big deal. Plane landed in London. 6 and half hours later. Grabbed my bag and walked out with my daughter but then… I said to her… my bag needs replacing. Wheels are blown. And wheels are everything. And now as I was about to turn into the main zone of passengers dispersing into the airport cracks and crannies I realized. It wasn’t my bag. It looked like my bag. Same color. Same size but it wasn’t. The wheels! I freaked out and raced against the traffic fighting the swarm of passengers spilling through the walkways off the plane and got to the plane at last.
I explained the situation to a lovely flight attendant who immediately made an announcement on the mike. There were not many people left at that point. And there was this lovely lady looking frabtic and upon hearing the announcenent totally relieved and being so nice while I started a conversation about how terrible I was. A flight attendant came rushing down the aisle with my bag and we all agreed they looked the same. She was so nice. My bag victim and I was so apologetic. And we switched bags and made as if a peace exchange and off we went. That could have been much worse. Imagine if I had arrived at the hotel. So I wondered if bags should have a lock tied to your key. Unique. So that this can’t happen. Or does it only happen to me. Interested to know.