Such a strange thing. A crowning of a king. Sounds like a fairytale. Gold carriages and brightly colored horses amidst trumpets and rituals that belong in centuries past. And there we were. A new king. The queen is dead long love the king.
It wasn’t quite your average coronation. Well actually coronations are not all that common. The last one was in 1953! But this coronation had its fair share of intrigue. A royal family that even had a TV series scandalously portraying them. A dysfunctional bunch with more soap opera twists and turns than most TV shows give you in 5 series. But and a big but, it was a spectacular show. Westminster Abbey. Buckingham Palace. Throngs of devoted citizens and tourists waving Union Jacks through the streets of London’s finest. And it captured the nation. Captured the world. Big Ben was lit as were several new and old iconic buildings to show off London. And it looked magnificent. There were more medals on display than any battle or war could justify and famous people with the right connections and lucky ones who worked with charities and did good things in the world.
A bank holiday was created to celebrate the day. And we sort of adapted to King Charles. He seems like a good guy. God knows he’s been waiting around for this moment a long time. He stands for good causes and has opinions about the environment and global warming and is a bit of a lefty and obviously ended up with the woman he loved. Even though we all remember how dreadful Diana was treated by them all. Still, the coronation seems to have forgiven all of it. The sordid bits the dodgy brother and the irritate other one. The hangers on and fawning entourage. Somehow on this day all was forgiven. And under the ancient canopy of the Abbey there were his three brothers and his sister to bear witness to this ancient transfer of power. We few … we precious few… we band of brothers. Only in England.